By Linda Dean Cooper
Joinn Laboratories CA, Inc., a Chinese-owned company purchased ten parcels of agricultural property in July 2022 totaling 498.50 acres, for $5,500,000. When the property was first purchased it was referred to by the locals as the monkey lab property. According to the ag classification application, the address is 2600 Hilltop Dr, A150, Richmond, CA 94806.
Property Appraiser Jason Whistler has classified the ten parcels as agricultural. A records request revealed the Joinn application for the property to be classified as agricultural, was virtually blank. There was one form for the ten parcels. The right side of the form had a pink post-it note with what looked like partial parcel numbers covering up a column for information. That column was for the past four years of ag income from the property. Joinn has owned for two years. The left column listed grazing and timberland that was circled. The number of acres and how long in use was blank.
Dept of Revenue Form DR-482 for Joinn Labs Ag Application is Incomplete
Ag exemption as defined by Whistler in a June 2023 Spotlight interview concerning the removal of 239 ag exemptions, Whistler said “Greenbelt is the common name for property that is taxed at a much lower rate because it’s classified for use as bona fide agriculture. The Dept. of Revenue (DOR) is oversight for the property appraiser’s office. The form in the article is DOR form DR-482. Do you believe the State of Florida would accept the Joinn Ag application as provided by my records request? Should this foreign government receive a reduced tax rate via an Ag exemption with an incomplete form? This is just the tip of the iceberg under the leadership of Whistler.
For Clarity on Ag Classification After a Sale – Note From Appraiser’s Website
“IMPORTANT: Agricultural Classification is not transferable. If the property is sold or transferred from one owner to another, a new application must be filed. If any changes in the use of the property it is important to notify the Property Appraiser’s office.
All applications must be reviewed by the Property Appraiser who either approves or disapproves the application. He may at that time request additional information to assist in his determination. If the application is denied you will be notified by mail at which time you can ask to discuss the denial with the Property Appraiser.
Agricultural zoning of your property does not automatically entitle you to agricultural classification for taxation purposes. They are not one and the same.”
Monkey Lab Property Purchased July 28, 2022, by Joinn Labs CA, Inc.
Joinn Labs has owned the land for two years so not subject to the past four years’ inquiry but the sloppy paperwork, with partial parcel numbers on a pink post-it note, is unacceptable. Each of the ten parcels should have a separate form and NA where not applicable, etc. The grazing and timberland categories did not list the number of acres, only a circle for the type. The signature line has no “print here” to read the signature, just a scribble so who knows who signed the application.
For a person who has 24 years of experience in the property appraiser’s office, I am stunned at the appalling, outrageous use of our tax dollars for this type of sloppy paperwork. The people in the appraiser’s office are paid very well with excellent benefits and retirement. Below is a copy of the application form and a current salary chart for the current nine employees.
The election is August 20, time for a change we cannot afford to look the other way anymore!
Whistler’s opponent is Dale Hart, for more info on Hart go to:

Joinn Labs Incomplete DOR Form DR-482 Application for Ag Classification

Posted July 24, 2024