By Terry Witt – Spotlight Senior Reporter
Bronson’s new $250,000 water well at the fire department consumed $250 worth of electricity last month even though its only purpose is to provide water to the building’s fire sprinkler system.
The fire station hasn’t had a fire yet.
It’s not a big mystery who is using the electricity.
Apparently, construction businesses are tapping into the fire department well rather than using the more traditional method in Bronson of opening up a valve on a fire hydrant to get their water.
Town council members discussed the problem at a budget workshop Monday.
The town has a long history of allowing construction companies to tap into fire hydrants to get water for such things as spraying water on a lime rock road. The companies previously paid for their water.
When Town Manager Susan Beaudet noticed water pressure was dropping in town as construction companies used fire hydrants to get their water, she put an end to the practice.
She referred the companies to the new fire department well.
Trouble is, there’s no one monitoring the fire department water well. Interim Fire Chief Gail Foote said he hasn’t been asked to monitor the well. Deputy Clerk Wendy Maragh said it’s not her responsibility either.
“That’s the problem and that’s why I brought it up at the budget workshop today,” Beaudet said.
Public Works Director Curtis Stacy said if his staff is busy, they don’t have time to go out and watch companies draw water from the well.
“If we are tied up we’re not going to have the time to go out six to eight times a day,” he said.
One of the companies that may be using city water is the firm installing concrete power poles for Duke Energy, according to Councilman Tyler Voorhees.
Foote said the electric bill for the city’s $1.8 million fire station was $700 last month. He said $250 was consumed by the new water well pump.
Foote is setting aside $10,000 in the 2024 fire budget for paying electric bills at the new fire station.
Council members and staff came up with several suggestions for solving the water well power bill problem.
Voorhees said the town needs to erect a gate with a lock on the well. Former Mayor Beatrice Roberts wondered if a camera could be installed to photograph license plates and vehicles. Stacy said he has thought about running a chain around the well to keep people out. He said someone had already backed over a piece of the well.
The council discussed the problem during a budget workshop and couldn’t take action, and it wasn’t an agenda item for the regular council meeting that followed the workshop.
The council knows the problem needs to be addressed and soon.
“It’s water coming straight out of the ground,” said Mayor Robert Partin. “It’s not processed water, but it’s still costs us money to pump.”

Budget Meeting August 7, 2023; Posted August 7, 2023