Levy Government Services

Councilman Elihu Ross Won’t Seek Re-Election

By Terry Witt - Spotlight Senior Reporter              Williston’s elder statesman on the City Council is retiring.             Councilman Elihu Ross’s announcement was carried in the Jan. 3 minutes of the council meeting.             Ross holds…

Student of the Month Honored by Chiefland Commissioners

                Chiefland City Commissioners honored their Student of the Month Monday with Commissioner Rollin Hudson presenting the Outstanding Student Award.             Emma Swain, daughter of Stacy and Mark Swain, is an 11th grader at Chiefland…

What’s Happening to The Monkey Lab Property in…

By Terry Witt - Spotlight Senior Reporter                 Levy County Commissioners have established a list of legislative priorities they plan to discuss with State Rep. Chuck Clemons and State Sen. Keith Perry at the Jan.…

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