By Linda Dean Cooper
Levy Animal Control has failed taxpayers for decades, but it has been far worse for the animals that were moved in and out of the shelter located at the county landfill. Their FY24-25 budget is almost $700,000, not including donations, with the bulk of it for payroll at $651,500. That is a lot of tax dollars for a failed department that has never served the taxpayers much less the animals that had the misfortune of being sent to what many of us referred to as the “hell hole”.
The $700,000 budget, plus donations could be put to better use with a true restructuring of animal control. Giving raises to favored, long-time employees is not the answer. Could well-respected rescue organizations take over the day-to-day operations? Rescues move most of the animals from the county shelter now. Why not share the money with them and allow them to use the shelter to continue their good work?
County Strategic Workshop Comprised Mostly of Rescue Groups
Most of the participants at the county strategic workshop were from rescue groups. They are the ones in the trenches helping animals. Animal control uses rescue groups to move most animals for the county, so why not contract it to a rescue-type organization on an annual basis? There’s got to be a better way than how the county operates the shelter now.
Levy Sheriff’s Dept. Handling Animal Cruelty Cases?
The sheriff’s department is now handling animal abuse cases. Or at least that is where a citizen was instructed to take her complaint when she called animal control last week. When the citizen called the sheriff’s department, she was under the impression there was some confusion as to any official change. Currently, Animal Control has an employee who is trained in animal cruelty investigation. Perhaps the sheriff’s department could hire her as a civilian investigator like the Marion County Sheriff’s department if LCSO is going to continue handling and accepting animal cruelty cases.
Year after year taxpayer money is poured into the money pit of animal control, mostly for payroll with very little for operating costs. A meager $110,800 was allocated for operations. After gas and maintenance for at least 3 take-home vehicles, there is little left for the animals’ medicine, care, and food. The county cannot feed, medicate, or implement a spay/neuter program with the leftovers.
Real Changes Needed – Not Lipstick on a Pig Approach
There are a lot of unknowns due to conditions at the recently built county kennel, the condemned administration building, no full-time veterinarian, or any real programs to help citizens. The county continues using the same failed policies of giving favored employees more money with an unmerited new title. On October 17, 2024, County Manager Mary Ellen Harper placed Parks & Recreation and Mosquito Control Director Matt Weldon as interim Director of Animal Services with a $4.81 raise.
As the parks and recreation director, Weldon is responsible for all the county parks, boat ramps, beaches, and mosquito control. Weldon cannot run all three departments, especially after the last couple of years of hurricane damage to boat ramps, parks, and beaches. He does not have the vision, contacts, or experience to revamp the animal control department. A complete revamp of animal control is needed, not a lipstick-on-a-pig approach.
Time to Review 20-Year and Out Retirement Plan
Our county government needs to be restructured. The restructuring plan as presented at the January 21 regular meeting was that same old stale, rewarding long-time employees that are part of the problem, not a solution. The county needs to investigate a 20-year and out retirement plan. After twenty years on the job, an employee is burnt out.
Budget preparation has started so now is the time to look at alternatives such as outsourcing certain jobs instead of tax and spending with no accountability.

Posted January 29, 2025