//County Atty Shalley Provided No Résumé, No Application, No References, No Bid, No Credentials When Asking BoCC to Approve Bullock Legal Services Contract

County Atty Shalley Provided No Résumé, No Application, No References, No Bid, No Credentials When Asking BoCC to Approve Bullock Legal Services Contract

  1. Why was the legal contract not sent out for bid? According to Attorney Shalley’s presentation, the BoCC does not legally have to bid for legal services.  OK, maybe not legally but why wouldn’t they? One can only assume if it were their company or personal business, they would search for the best firm for the best price.  The county bids out most contracts. They should have done their due diligence to find the best legal firm for the best price.  The City of Williston did and has an excellent firm that specializes in government legal matters.
  2. The second point most commenters overlooked was there was nothing but a copy of Bullock’s contract and the agenda item summary sheet.  That’s it.  The agenda had 533 pages of info so why was there nothing except a copy of the legal services contract? Why would the public accept this so blindly? Why is the BoCC not transparent in their dealings with us?  It’s our money, not theirs. We are entitled to know how and where our tax dollars are spent. No one is blaming Bullock for accepting the contract.  If I were him, I would take the money and run.  My goal has always been for more transparency in government.  If you want to hate me for asking questions, so be it.  Spotlight is not for everyone!
Walker Wade Bullock. Photo from Florida Bar Association website.

Posted August 7, 2024