By Linda Dean Cooper
It appears that the only attorney good enough for the Levy BoCC is Walker Wade Bullock of Williston. At least that’s the impression based on the performance given at Tuesday’s meeting.
Bullock was hired for the general “overflow” legal work and serving as Acting County Attorney in the absence of the County Attorney advising and assisting with the prosecution of County Code violation cases and representing the County in more routine County Court and Circuit Civil ligation matters according to the agenda item 21.
No Bid Process Required
There was a disclaimer on the agenda summary sheet stating “although legal services are exempt from competitive procurement under Sec. 2-195 of the County Code, the County Attorney conducted a search of all licensed attorneys in Levy County, reviewed their qualifications, other publicly available information and considered conflict issues. After doing so, the County Attorney recommends approval of the attached Continuing Legal Services Agreement with Bullock Law Firm, PLLC for general outside counsel legal services.”
Only a Copy of Contract Provided in Agenda
A copy of the contract was the only document included in the agenda packet. No résumé, no application, no references, no nothing. If Bullock was truly the best-qualified attorney, why no documentation to verify it? The compensation is $225 per hour and paralegals $75 per hour.
During the process I questioned the lack of documents and that I had gone to the Florida Bar Association website to look for Bullock’s specialty. The website indicated real property, probate and trust and is a solo or small firm, admitted to the Bar 2017. Bullock attended the meeting but did not respond or speak about his qualifications.
Swift Action by Brooks and John Meeks
A swift motion was made by Commissioner Matt Brooks and seconded by Commissioner John Meeks. Both are in heated races, Brooks for Clerk of Court and Meeks for District 1 BoCC seat. Chair Desiree Mills, Commissioner Tim Hodge, and Rock Meeks followed in lockstep with their approval of Bullock.
Brooks seems to believe that his statement during the meeting that Bullock had interviewed for the full-time county attorney position justified the “appointment”. Brooks failed to mention at that time that Bullock had no government experience and only approximately three years as an attorney.
BoCC Failed Citizens Again?
Has the BoCC failed the citizens again? Should Attorney Nicolle Shalley watch her back? Shalley is an excellent, seasoned attorney with an extensive background and work in the government arena. If I were to make an informed guess as someone who has sat through over a decade of BoCC meetings, she was instructed to submit Bullock as her choice.
Are there no other qualified attorneys in the area? You be the judge.
It appears that I have offended some Facebook folks with my latest article, No Résumé, No Application, No References, Only a Phone Call. Most of the commenters were offended by what they perceived as an attack on Walker Bullock. It was not an attack on him. It was simply to point out two things.
- Why was the legal contract not sent out for bid? According to Attorney Shalley’s presentation, the BoCC does not legally have to bid for legal services. OK, maybe not legally but why wouldn’t they? One can only assume if it were their company or personal business, they would search for the best firm for the best price. The county bids out most contracts. They should have done their due diligence to find the best legal firm for the best price. The City of Williston did and has an excellent firm that specializes in government legal matters.
- The second point most commenters overlooked was there was nothing but a copy of Bullock’s contract and the agenda item summary sheet. That’s it. The agenda had 533 pages of info so why was there nothing except a copy of the legal services contract? Why would the public accept this so blindly? Why is the BoCC not transparent in their dealings with us? It’s our money, not theirs. We are entitled to know how and where our tax dollars are spent. No one is blaming Bullock for accepting the contract. If I were him, I would take the money and run. My goal has always been for more transparency in government. If you want to hate me for asking questions, so be it. Spotlight is not for everyone!
I have not taken the time to read all the angry comments, but your anger is misdirected. It should be at the BoCC for not respecting the public or the process to protect our best interest
Linda Cooper

Posted August 7, 2024