//Coordinator Dean Says He is Leaving in February.  I Call BS
County Coordinator Wilbur Dean

Coordinator Dean Says He is Leaving in February.  I Call BS

Charlie Kennedy is challenging John Meeks for the District 1 seat.  Election is Aug 20, 2024.  

Tax and Spend Commissioner John Meeks has an opponent, Charlie Kennedy in the upcoming District 1 Seat. Election is August 20, 2024

Update on Coordinator Wilbur Dean’s Resignation Letter

June 19, 2024, 7:42 AM

This just in from the county HR department for the response to my records request submitted after the budget meeting Tuesday for a copy of Wilbur Dean’s resignation letter per Human Resource Dept.: A resignation letter has not been received.

It appears that those who witnessed this “sudden” resignation knew it wasn’t sudden but a planned strategy by Commissioner John Meeks and Coordinator Wilbur Dean to get Meeks reelected and Dean to keep his job.

The real take away here is that Meeks and Dean are aware that the taxpayers have had enough of their disastrous teamwork that has taken Levy backward or they would not have staged this fake “leaving” as Dean called it.

It’s time for restructuring, to hire a qualified, experienced county manager, not a coordinator, and hire an assistant manager.

There will be more on the budget meeting in the next few days. That meeting was a really enlightening experience of how bad things have gotten in our local government.
