By Linda D. Cooper
Are you in favor of a $2.5-million park across from the Levy County Government Center in Bronson?
Town of Bronson officials were not invited, nor was the county’s parks director in attendance for the workshop. The county has contracted Kimley-Horn & Associates, landscape architects, $20,800 for schematic design and funding opportunities (grants). The county has paid out $13,600 of the $20,800 purchase order coming directly out of your taxpayer’s wallet. Supposedly, future construction monies will come from grant money, but those are still your tax dollars. Below are a few important facts that came out of the sparsely attended workshop at the Levy County Government Center on October 24, at 6:30 pm.
The 3.2-acre property was acquired through a land exchange to prevent stormwater from flooding the government center and parking lot. The new park will allow a very small back portion of the proposed park for stormwater runoff. The historic Coulter Cemetery is on the west side, and single-family homes surround most of the area. The board’s vision is to have an event lawn area with a band shell/concert stage, a pavilion, a playground, and restrooms.
Why did commissioners choose this project? What commissioner is spearheading this project? I could not get an answer. So many failing components to this project.
- A bandshell/concert stage in a mostly single-family neighborhood.
- Building for restrooms. These types of facilities are constantly vandalized.
- A Pavilion that begs to be an unwelcome hang-out for who knows what and a security risk for those using the government center during regular business hours and night meetings. This proposed park is not on a main street, and Bronson has no police department.
- Waste of 2.5 million tax dollars?
- Appears to violate the Town of Bronson land use requirements. Not sufficient space for the project.
- If this park were in the county, it would violate their park minimum requirements of 5 acres.
- With so many important issues facing Levy, why waste our limited resources on pie-in-the-sky projects?
According to Elizabeth Manley of Kimley-Horn & Assoc., the county commission directed her company to explore the event concept, not the larger playground WITHOUT an event space.
Toni Collins, founder and president of the Levy County Historical Society and the founder and director of the Levy County Cemetery Association, made strong arguments against the proposed park.
- The location of a neighborhood park is next door to a historic cemetery which is the final resting place of numerous Levy County pioneers.
- At an earlier meeting, I told you about the problems we have with trash in the cemetery. A park such as the one you have outlined will only increase not only the problem with trash but other problems.
- I received numerous emails from cemetery associations in South Florida that are having trouble with migrants taking up residency in their cemeteries and parks. It is difficult to have them evicted.
- One-half mile south of the proposed location is James H. Cobb Park, 63 acres of 2 ball fields, picnic areas, and a pavilion for 2 presentations and concerts. There also is an abundance of parking.
It was stated in the November 21 county meeting that homeless people were living in the bamboo thicket a block away from the proposed park but it has since been cleaned up.
There is no official audio or minutes for this workshop so if you did not attend you will never know what was discussed. Mrs. Collins, had a court reporter in attendance to transcribe the meeting, and it is the only document that exists for the park workshop. Below is the PDF if you’re interested.

Kimley-Horn Associates, landscape architects contracted by county commission for proposed government park across from Government Annex Building, Bronson. Maceo Abreu and consultant Elizabeth Manley.
BoCC Government Park Workshop October 24, 2023
Posted December 4, 2023