By Linda Cooper
It appears that the BoCC has no faith in County Coordinator Wilbur Dean nor their Human Resources Director, Jacqueline Martin. Chairman Matt Brooks stated at last Tuesday’s regular meeting that “everybody knows about the retirement of Jimmy Jones, Maintenance Construction Director. I wanted to get some input from the Board as far as interviews, we’re down to three, maybe four candidates, and how the board feels about the interview process. And if this is something that the board wants to take place with us being the panel. Or do we direct staff to do this?”
Commissioner Mills said “I think the board would be a great panel. I think that we hear concerns from staff and everyone directly. I feel like we know the needs.”
Commissioner John Meeks agreed stating “I echo that sentiment. Whoever this person is that takes this role will be an at-will employee and will work with the will of this board. So, we should be the ones who hire, who will be the ones who fire hopefully, never come so fast.”
All commissioners agreed with Chairman Brooks for the Board to interview the future Maintenance Construction Director.
The problem is according to Florida Statutes, the Board does not have the authority to select a candidate, only confirm.
Florida Statutes Chapter 125 outlines laws for County Government. Specifically, Florida Statutes 125.01 lists powers and duties. BUT Florida Statues 125.74 section (k) lists the powers and duties of the county administrator as follows: Select, employ, and supervise all personnel and fill all vacancies, positions, or employment under the jurisdiction of the board. However, the employment of all department heads shall require confirmation by the board of county commissioners. Look for yourself @ Section (k) clearly states confirmation, not selection.
Coordinator Dean was rejected by the voters in 2000, his 3rd bid for District 1 seat in 2000 by 509 votes. In May 2015, Dean was hired as the assistant to then-county coordinator, Freddy Moody. In January 2017, Dean was appointed county administrator by the BoCC. To date, Dean has not hired an assistant, which is unusual for such a demanding position. This lack of support staff, delays critical projects that turn into preventable expensive emergencies, communication, and policy failures, resulting in costing taxpayers more.
In 2018 the commissioners imposed a $116 landfill assessment. Citizens living in municipalities with mandated garbage fees along with citizens living in unincorporated areas using private garbage haulers have to pay both fees.
The landfill continues to lose money through bad or no management practices. There is no real tracking of commercial haulers dumping commercial versus residential garbage to charge the correct tipping fee. There is no tipping fee for commercial haulers dumping residential garbage but are supposed to be charged when they dump commercial garbage. How are garbage trucks identified as residential vs. commercial loads when going through the scales? The landfill is still hemorrhaging money due to bad or no policies and procedures by Dean.
Dean approved HR Director Jacqueline Martin to process action forms giving raises to select employees with the NO explanation. In 2022, Dean approved raises for Martin, along with five other employees with NO explanation at all! I guess that employee morale is at an all-time low due to favoritism blatantly displayed for all to see.
There is hope for proper process and procedure to prevail. Attorney Nicloe Shalley told the BoCC “I was under the impression that Wilbur and I were the two at-will employees of the board, and the rest of the organization fell under one of us. But I’ll verify that and get back with you all.”
Florida Statute supports Shalley’s statement. If all five of the commissioners wanted to remove the interview process from Coordinator Dean and HR Director Martin, it is obvious that the board has no faith in either employee. If memory serves, Martin’s is in the DROP program which for her ends in December 2023 and should not be extended. It is time for Dean to leave the government gravy train as well. We will see which commissioners have the intestinal fortitude to do right by the employees and citizens of Levy County.
Below is a copy of an old organizational chart for the county. I asked for an updated version a week ago and have not received it.

Board of County Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 2023
Posted October 2, 2023