By Terry Witt -Spotlight Senior Reporter
A mistake in the Levy County Commission’s notice of a public hearing for the three non-ad valorem special assessments will result in two public hearings, instead of one, to take public comment on Tuesday.
The first hearing for the EMS, fire, and landfill assessments will take place from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Levy County Government Center, but the board will meet again at 5:15 p.m., the correct time, for the second public hearing on the assessments at the government center.
County Coordinator Wilbur Dean said a company known as Government Services Group (GSG) provided the information for the Truth in Millage (TRIM) notice and incorrectly listed the public hearing time as 9 a.m. GSG was recently bought out by Anser Advisory Consulting, LLC.
The non-ad valorem assessment taxes aren’t changing for the upcoming budget year beginning on Oct. 1. The solid waste (landfill) assessment will remain at $116, EMS $154, and fire at $129.
Public hearings are required by state law to ensure the public has an opportunity to comment on their taxes. Special assessments aren’t implemented through a millage rate. They are a flat fee that appears on the same tax bill as the property taxes.
Dean said a representative of Anser offered to make an appearance at the public hearing to accept responsibility for the mistake on the TRIM notice but Dean didn’t think that was necessary.
Dean said he is hopeful that enough safeguards have been put in place between the board office and the property appraiser to make certain the public has an opportunity to comment on the special assessments.

Enterprise Reporting September 11, 2023; Posted September 11, 2023