//Chiefland Commissioners Honor Their Student of the Month

Chiefland Commissioners Honor Their Student of the Month

                Chiefland City Commissioners honored their Student of the Month at Monday’s board meeting. Commissioner Lewrissa Johns handed out the award.

            Jaiden Coleman, a 12th grader at Chiefland High School and son of Lawanda Jones, was nominated by the high school teachers.

            Every morning Jaiden enters school with a smile and you can often find him helping a fellow classmate with different things. He is well-behaved and has excellent manners. We enjoy seeing him every morning.

            In addition to receiving a Student of the Month certificate, Jaiden will receive a $20 Walmart certificate courtesy of the Chiefland Rotary Club.

Chiefland City Commissioner Lewrissa Johns presents Student of the Month Jaiden Coleman with his certificate. Photo by Terry Witt.


City of Chiefland Regular Meeting October 10, 2022; Posted October 13, 2022