//Deputy Williston Police Chief Gets Nod for Interim City Manager

Deputy Williston Police Chief Gets Nod for Interim City Manager

By Terry Witt – Spotlight Senior Reporter

            Williston City Council members Tuesday approved hiring Deputy Police Chief Terry Bovaird as the interim city manager following the resignation of current City Manager Jackie Gorman.

            City Council President Debra Jones recommended Bovaird for the city’s top position and the council immediately agreed with her choice.

            The city’s deputy city manager and human resource manager, Deanna Nelson, has also resigned and her final day is Sept. 12 according to Jones. Gorman’s final day is Sept. 16. Both administrators are working from home.

            Bovaird said he works by consensus and believes employees are vitally important to the operation of the city but he said citizens are the most important people in his view. He said the city serves the citizens.

            His first day on the job as interim city manager is Monday. He said he wants to leave his current position as deputy chief open in case his new gig as interim city manager doesn’t work out. He wants a job to go back to if he isn’t chosen as the next city manager.

            Bovaird is an experienced administrator and said he would welcome being named the next city manager if the opportunity comes his way. Jones said she was thinking of him as a good candidate for the city manager’s position when she recommended him for the interim position.

            Gorman and Nelson resigned amid turmoil in the city government. Gorman read a statement at a recent city council meeting critical of the council and how the city is run. Jones asked her to resign.  Gorman asked to stay aboard as manager until most of the budget process was completed in September.

            Nelson was caught up in controversy almost from the beginning of her reign as deputy city manager when Gorman didn’t advertise the open deputy manager’s position internally to other city employees before selecting Nelson to be her second in command. Nelson also kept her job as human resources director, which also raised eyebrows.

Nelson’s grip on power loosened considerably after she aggressively confronted Fire Chief Lamar Stegall in a July 20 staff budget meeting. Gorman asked Nelson to resign. She agreed to give up the job but not before issuing a stinging 4 ¼-page resignation letter critical of the city and how it is operated.

Williston Deputy Police Chief Terry Bovarid has been named interim city manager. He is pictured at Tuesday’s Williston City Council meeting.


City of Williston Regular Meeting September 6, 2022; Posted September 6, 2022