By Terry Witt – Spotlight Senior Reporter
Levy County School board members recently honored a student and one administrator who went above the call of duty to help an athlete from another team that was injured in a football game.
Bronson Middle High School student Kendrick Williams and BMHS Dean John Miller received certificates from School Superintendent Chris Cowart.
Also honored on the same day by the school board were students Layla Buie, Allison Alvord, and Dana Hinkle for helping a fellow student who was having a seizure during volleyball practice at Chiefland Middle High School. Cowart along with Principal Matthew McLelland and School Board member Paige Brookins honored the students.
Bronson Elementary School student Madeline Garner was honored for a perfect school on her Florida School Assessments last year. Cowart along with BES Principal Cheryl Beauchamp recognized Garner’s accomplishment.

School Board of Levy County Regular Meeting October 12, 2021; Posted November 17, 2021