//Linda Fugate Honored for 35 Years of Public Service
Levy County Tax Collector stands with County Commissioners Mike Joyner, John Meeks, Lilly Rooks, Rock Meeks, and Matt Brooks Tuesday after accepting a certificate plaque honoring her for more than three decades of public service.

Linda Fugate Honored for 35 Years of Public Service

By Terry Witt – Spotlight Senior Reporter

                Retiring Levy County Tax Collector Linda Fugate was honored Tuesday by County Commissioners for 35 years of public service in the tax collector’s office including 20 years as the elected official.

            She will serve as tax collector for another 10 days.

            Commission Chairman Matt Brooks congratulated Fugate and wished her well in her new life as a private citizen and a grandma.

Tax Collector Linda Fugate gets a farewell hug from County Commission Chairman Matt Brooks and commissioners Mike Joyner, John Meeks, Lilly Rooks and Rock Meeks applaud her 35 years of public service to Levy County.
Tax Collector Linda Fugate gets a farewell hug from County Commission Chairman Matt Brooks and commissioners Mike Joyner, John Meeks, Lilly Rooks, and Rock Meeks applaud her 35 years of public service to Levy County.

            “I understand the decision to retire never comes easy for anyone. That’s a big change in the routine,” Brooks said. ”I also know you have a grandbaby and a grandbaby on the way and a wedding to get through and plan – lots of family events taking place. I love the honor of presenting this certificate of appreciation.”

            Commissioner Mike Joyner said she was an example of a fine Christian woman.

            “I can tell you I thank you for allowing me to know such a fine Christian woman as you are  because if people don’t think there’s a God in heaven, they need to follow Ms. Linda because she’s one of the finest Christian people,” Joyner said. “Not only is she smart…if you didn’t hear her singing at the Cantata the other night, she can sing unbelievably. The only thing I haven’t seen her do, is drive that dad-gum peanut combine, but I’m sure it won’t be long before you’re on it.”

            Fugate responded with humor: “If I wanted to continue working, it would be here.”

            “I just say thanks to the board. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go and do a lot of good for our county and I really appreciate the work that you guys do as well. You all make my job easy as well. I’m excited for what God has in store for me next. I can definitely tell you it will be spending time with the grandbaby, getting away, and preparing for February,” Fugate said.

Levy County Tax Collector stands with County Commissioners Mike Joyner, John Meeks, Lilly Rooks, Rock Meeks, and Matt Brooks Tuesday after accepting a certificate plaque honoring her for more than three decades of public service.
Levy County Tax Collector stands with County Commissioners Mike Joyner, John Meeks, Lilly Rooks, Rock Meeks, and Matt Brooks Tuesday after accepting a certificate plaque honoring her for more than three decades of public service.

            Commissioner John Meeks said he enjoyed working with Fugate for the past eight years. He said he was fairly certain she could have served as long as she wanted.

            “I admire you for having the courage and the willpower to walk away. Whenever you have an elected role and a lot of responsibility and power, to step away from it shows a lot of power and grace,” Meeks said. “Congratulations on that and congratulations on the expansion of services on your watch. You opened the Williston office and provided those folks with having easier access to the tax collector’s office and everything else you’ve expanded – driver’s license testing and concealed weapons permitting – all things to make Levy County citizens’ lives more convenient.”

            Commissioner Lilly Rooks commended Fugate for always being in her office to serve the citizens.

            “You are probably the only one who is always there. I appreciate what you’ve done,” Rooks said.

            Commissioner Rock Meeks thanked Fugate for her willingness to serve and respond to the needs of the citizens at any time she was called upon to do so.

            “Ms. Linda, I just thank you for your service; anytime you’ve ever had an issue or needed to get something taken care of, Ms. Linda could get it done and I thank you for that for the citizens of the county – just always being available if someone needed you, you were there,” Meeks said.


Board of County Commission Regular Meeting December 22, 2020; Posted December 22, 2020