//Chiefland Commissioners Honor April Student of the Month

Chiefland Commissioners Honor April Student of the Month


Chiefland City Commissioners honored their Student of the Month for April Monday night with Commissioner Don Lawrence doing the honors.

Coburn Hardee, son of Jeff and Dorie Hardee was nominated by the 8th grader teachers of Chiefland Middle School to be Student of the Month. Coburn is a kind, dedicated and respectful student. He always strives for excellence. He is always engaged, prepared and a hard worker. He is a great example of someone who makes the most of the time he has in the classroom.

He is always on task. He is a great example to his peers. He is very well liked by his peers and is a great representative for Chiefland Middle School.

Photo by Terry Witt: Chiefland Middle School student Coburn Hardee accepts his Student of the Month award from Commissioner Don Lawrence.

City of Chiefland Regular Meeting May 14, 2018
Posted May 15, 2018