The Truth Does Not Reveal Itself! – Support Our Work Today
Spotlight on Levy County Government is a Florida not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) tax exemption organization. Your donation allows us to continue our efforts in Levy County Florida by reporting on local government meetings. We are non-profit, non-corporate, and non-comprised. We rely on donations to continue our commitment to unbiased, factual news reports. Please donate today.

Spotlight on Levy County Government Mission Statement:
Spotlight on Levy County Government’s mission is “to create a more informed Levy County community” regarding the process of how our local government functions for its taxpayers’ benefit. Information is power. Spotlight prides itself on reporting the facts of local government meetings while many citizens are at work or unable to attend night meetings. Spotlight believes it is of paramount importance, especially with the decline of newspapers in general along with no live streaming of meetings, to get this information out to the citizens of Levy County. Spotlight values its independence and fact-oriented dedication to reporting the details as they happen to best inform our local community.
Contributions go to fund Spotlight on Levy County Government, a 501(c)(3) organization based in Williston, FL. We are tax-deductible in the U.S. to the fullest extent permitted by law.