//Sheriff Pays Tribute to Longtime Williston Deputy Chief
Retired Williston Deputy Police Chief Clay Connolly is honored at Tuesday's Levy County Commission meeting

Sheriff Pays Tribute to Longtime Williston Deputy Chief

Retired Williston Deputy Police Chief Clay Connolly is honored at Tuesday’s Levy County Commission meeting. Shown from the left are the new Williston Deputy Police Chief Terry Brevoid, County Commissioner Matt Brooks, Williston Police Chief Dennis Strow, County Commission Chairman John Meeks, Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Finnen, County Commissioner Rock Meeks, Connolly, Sheriff’s Major Mike Sheffield, Sheriff Bobby McCallum, Undersheriff Brett Beauchamp, 911 Director Mike West, County Commissioner Mike Joyner and County Commissioner Lilly Rooks.

By Terry Witt – Spotlight Senior Reporter

            Retired Williston Deputy Police Chief Clay Connolly was honored as Tuesday’s Levy County Commission meeting by Sheriff Bobby McCallum for his 31 years of dedicated service the community.

            “It’s been an honor to serve with him,” McCallum said.

            McCallum said he has known Connolly since he was an assistant store manager at the former Eckerds drug store before he began his career in law enforcement

            Connolly was joined for the ceremony by Williston Police Chief Dennis Strow, Deputy Chief Terry Brevoid who replaces Connolly, Mike West county 911 director of the sheriff’s office, Undersheriff Brett Beauchamp and Sheriff’s Major Mike Sheffield who is detention center director.

            The sheriff said Connolly has not only served his community well but has partnered with other law enforcement agencies in the county and will be missed in the law enforcement family.


Board of County Commission Regular Meeting November 5, 2019; Posted November 6, 2019